Founder Rusty Melton with wife Michelle and daughter Danielle
I have often stated that when an old person dies, it is like a library burning down. All the knowledge and experiences of that person are lost forever. Have you ever looked at an old photo thatbelonged to your grandparents and wished you knew where it was taken or who was in it? It has been a long time dream of mine to create a venue where the knowledge and experiences of our area can be documented for future generations. Although I am not really a history buff, I have always loved to talk about the way the area looked back in the 60’s and early 70’s when I was growing up. What was even more intriguing was when I would literally spend hours talking with my wife's grandfather. “Papaw” used to tell many stories about his childhood. Memories of the first time he saw a car travel up Gap Creek, taking a bath out in the bath-house in a washtub, and riding an old mule to school. I would love to have those discussions again.
We have all had a “Papaw” type person in our lives at some point. And even more importantly, we may someday be that person to someone else. This is why it is so important for me to offer you an opportunity to document the things you remember for future generations.
As this site grows, I hope to create a place where visitors can post photos, ask questions and talk about the “good ole days”.
Please visit often as this site will constantly be in a state of growth. Each person that submits information to this site will be helping to build the foundation for a place that people will hopefully visit long after we are gone.
I will work hard to keep this a free site for all to enjoy as a gift back to the community I love.